Thursday, August 1, 2013

"The secret of man's being is not only to live but to have something to live for."
--Fyodor Dostoyevsky

My yellow dahlia has bloomed.  It is large (eight inches across) and healthy and a joy to behold.  There are several more buds on the plant so soon I will have even more blossoms.  I planted the tubers in late spring and was disappointed when only one of the plants came up.  I watered it and cared for it and watched it grow strong.  This is the reward of taking care of a plant.--a reason to get up everyday and the enjoyment of beauty that only God can create.

Last November, I went to the human society and adopted a large Catahoula/blue tick hound.  This dog is large, stubborn, active, and very loving.  It takes time and energy to take care of her.  She has been abandoned once and I don't ever want that to happen to her again.  She is the reason I stay active and look at life with a different perspective.  She teaches me something everyday.  She gives me a reason to be outside, move even when I don't want to, and be aware of all the creatures that God has given to us to enhance our lives.

I have a twenty five year old daughter, Sky, who has Down Syndrome.  She has taught me patience and resilience and tolerance and the importance of structure.  She works a full time job and shows me that anyone can work hard--even the mentally retarded.  She also is a potter.  She initiated and pays  for an ongoing pottery class and I have a room full of her beautiful creations.  She is independent but needs a guardian to look after her welfare.  She also gives me a reason to live and to live life fully. 

I write. It is one of my passions.  I never have enough time to write all that I want to write.  I look forward to every day to see what unfolds on the page.  I live to write and I write to live.  It is a wonderful reason for living. 

I have so much to live for.  I can not list all the reasons here because I can not just write about life but I have to step away from the computer and live it.  

 I have heard some say that they have nothing to live for.  It is hard for me to understand.  God gave them life.  They have a purpose--they just haven't discovered it yet.   Today I thank God that I have an abundance to live for and I pray for all of those who think they do not..  I pray that their eyes and hearts are open to possibilities and they to can discover something to live for.   amen.


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