Just Being with God
I designate today to be a quiet day,..not a day of silence, just quiet...no rush, just movement in a positive direction...let my mind rest,..taking time to get back into the flow of life.
this is not a do nothing day..it is a day where I pick up, put away, let the past be stored into memory, let the plans for the future unfold, and live each moment as it comes. This is a day I look forward to where the mundane feels important and life slows down just a little.
I plan to spend time today just being with God....taking time to stop, and allow all thoughts to be of God...taking time to stop and really listen to the quiet, the place where one can always find God.
I plan to savor the coolness of the day, appreciate every breath I take, enjoy the security of my strong heart beating, and be grateful.
I will appreciate a house to clean because there are those who have no shelter.
I will be grateful for meals because there are those who are hungry
I will enjoy laundry because I have the convenience to do the 'work" easily and because I have an abundance of clothes.
I will dust with happiness in my heart because I have things that others do not.
and as I do these things I will think of what I can do to make a positive difference in someone else's life because this is the way I say thank you to God for my life.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV
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