Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Five
"Bless the children"

Psalm 119:29-32

29 Keep me from deceitful ways;
    be gracious to me and teach me your law.
30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
    I have set my heart on your laws.
31 I hold fast to your statutes, Lord;
    do not let me be put to shame.
32 I run in the path of your commands,
    for you have broadened my understanding

Today the author of this devotion speaks of children....I wonder if he did this because this part of the 119th Psalm sounds to me like what one would say to God before they depart on their life journey. They have been taught the ways of God and have made the choice to follow Him...In my minds eye, I can visualize parents saying good by with the knowledge that they have trained their children well and that now their young adult is leaving on his or her own path.  

The author speaks of children as children and also children meaning all of us--God's children.  It is as though there is no difference at all between the first, this seemed confusing to me but not when you think of blessing.  The title for today is "Bless the children."   All of us no matter what our age can be a blessing to God and to our parents and to our children and to each other if we believe and follow God.  God blessed us with Jesus and all we need to do is accept that fact and then when we pray not only ask for help to stay on the path--but bless God because we know what path to follow.

The ancient Celts were always on the move--searching for food, trying to avoiding disease, and because the times were full of war.  A blessing meant that God went with them and was with them wherever they went---a blessing meant that God also was with those who were left behind.  I think the evening prayer that was chosen explains it better than I can...

The blessings of God be to thee 
The blessings of Christ be to thee
The blessings of spirit be to thee
And to thy children

To thee and to thy children
The peace of God be to thee
The peace of Christ be to thee
The peace of spirit be to thee
During all thy life
During all the days of thy life.

The keeping of God upon thee in every pass
The shielding of Christ upon thee in every path
The bathing of Spirit upon thee in every stream
In every land and sea thou goest

The keeping of thy everlasting Father be thine
Upon His own illumined altar
The keeping of thy everlasting Father be thine
Upon His own illumined altar
                     --Carmina Gadelica

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