Saturday, February 18, 2012

The importance of listening

My inner self wants to talk or write all the time but some reason my heart is encouraging me to just listen....and for the past few days that is what I am doing...really listening....I went to Mass this morning in a different church with a different priest and except for one woman that I know, a group of strangers...what I found after listening and paying attention is that through Christ and with Christ, there are no strangers and we are all on the same journey to get closer and closer to God...each journey uniquely our own but the destination is the same....sometimes we hold each others hands and talk, sometimes we just sit back and listen, but both experiences are important and keep us going forward into the right direction...

There are many roads to God....I just climbed out of a thick, huge bog on mine...unsure now of anything because my steps don't take as much effort as before but have not fully recovered from the sheer exhaustion that has not left me...I hesitate and ask God to help me on my way...He has experiences like today show up to encourage me and to let me know, for the moment, rest, listen, and then continue....I am and I will...


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