Friday, July 25, 2014

Taking baby steps towards de-cluttering my life

Had a good day at work today...the humidity was low so we spent a lot of time outside because today was only a respite from the heat and humidity which will return tomorrow....I love my job teaching preschool but by the end of the day and the end of the week I am after I picked up Sky from work, ran her to the bank, had supper, drove her to pottery class, ran an errand  and came home, it was after seven pm.  What is something that I can do in the next hour and a half to begin to declutter my life.  I have to pick up Sky at nine and bring her home.

 I did some laundry last night so that Sky and I would have clean clothes for today...I also searched the internet and found this:

The Quickstart Guide to a Decluttered Home....I not only read it, I identified with it....I printed a hard copy of it so I could refer to it as often as I needed to.

Today, after I took Sky to work, I shopped for an hour and found what I needed to complete my wardrobe and maximize the ways I could use what I have....when I came home I was excited because the few things I bought really I tried on my clothes and mixed and matched to make many outfits, I realized that I had many clothes in my closer that were the wrong size, or I don't wear anymore or just don't like.....that is where the decluttering came in...I was already in my closet so I got a bag and a small box and went to work....I came home with four tops and now I will take a full trash bag and a box to the thrift store this afternoon.....and my closet looks fabulous, organized and cleaned with clothes I really love.....this only took an hour!  and I feel great.....I traded 3 cool shirts for two dozen items of clothing....this ended up not being work but an "adventure" in fashion!

Now to clean off my dining room is piled with stuff and I haven't seen it in ages....I have a new table cloth ready to dress it up if I can get rid of the mess...and somewhere in all that mess is what I need to license my car...this is a decluttering of the necessary kind....important papers are lost on my dining room table.   Wonder if I can make this an "adventure" too?

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